Pracsoft Tutorial for front desk staff
This tutorial has been designed to demonstrate software functions commonly used by front desk and non-medical staff.
Internet Requirements
About this course
Your Guide- Feel free to download and keep this guide
Knowing your keyboard
Components of the Windows Interface
Getting Started with Pracsoft software
Pracsoft keyboard shortcuts
Quick Survey - Keyboard skills
Opening a Patient Record
Adding a Patient
Adding a new patient demonstration
Edit a Patient
Updating Patient details demonstration
Opening and Adding Patients Quiz
Appointment Book
Appointment Book Legend
Reschedule an Appointment
Appointment Details
Waiting Room
Managing the Wait Room
Making an appointment demonstration
Appointment Book and Waiting room quiz
Recording visits
Pay Now
Pay Later
Creating a Bulk Billing Account
Add a standard Fee
Creating an account
Creating a receipt
Accounts Quiz
Tyro Integration with Medicare
Gap Query
Batching Medicare Claims
Reconcile HIC Payments
Course survey